Masterclass Library

    1. A look at The Healthy High

    2. Resources

    3. The Good Witch Mission

    4. Introduction

    1. Chapter 1: In the Weeds

    2. Chapter 2: I Picked You

    3. Chapter 3: The Cost of Living

    4. Chapter 4: Pivoting with Purpose

    5. Chapter 5: Falling into Flow

    6. Chapter 6: Opening Up

    7. Chapter 7: Own Your Magic

    1. Chapter 8: Thoughts Become Flesh

    2. Chapter 9: You Are a Divine Creator

    3. Chapter 10: Manifesting with the Moon

    4. Chapter 11: Celebrate your Harvest with the Full Moon

    5. Chapter 12: Clear the Way for New Growth with the Waning Moon

    6. Chapter 13: Connect to Your Divine Nature with the New Moon

    7. Chapter 14: Cultivate your Dream Life with the Waxing Moon

    8. Chapter 15: Manifesting Money

    1. Conclusion

    2. Author Bio

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